1. Background
of the Research
2. Objective
of the Research
3. Identification
of Research Problem
4. Limitation
of Research Problem
5. Significant
of Research
1. Morphology
1. Research
2. Instrument
3. Subject
of Research
4. Object
of Research
5. Technique
of Collecting Data
6. Technique
of Analysing Data
Suffixes of Nias
Suffixes in
The suffixes
which form nouns
Suffixes which
has the function to form plural noun.
Example of Noun
suffixes in Nias Language.
Example of Noun
suffixes in English.
The Noun
Suffixes in both language which are changed the form if they are attached to
the base form.
A. Background of The Research
Language is an indicator of human civilization and most
fundamental of human communication. Language is very important for human life,
because it a means of communication. We use language not only for daily
necessities but also because of its great concern with others fields of
Science. Language has so many interrelationship with various aspects of human
life that it can be studied from numerous point of view. (Gleason, 1974 : 2).
It plays also as primary object of the study of linguistics and linguist
approach the notion of language from differing point of view. Linguistics is
concerned with the nature of language and communication. It includes phonetics
(the study of the production, acoustics and hearing of speech sounds), phonology
(the patterning of sounds), morphology (the structure of words), syntax (the
structure of sentences), semantics (meaning), pragmatics (language in context),
In this research, the researcher focuses on the morphology.
is the study of the minimal meaningful units of language. It studies the
structure of words. There are aspects of morphology such as morpheme (root,
boun and free morpheme), affixes (prefix,infix,suffix). With a beyond of full
consideration, the researcher wants to research a constructive analysis between
english-nias langauge only focus on affixiation. Affixation is a major
morphological device. The affix added at the beginning of the root is known as
prefix while that at the end of a word is suffix. Prefixes and suffixes added
to words change the meanings of such words. In this research the resercher is
interested to examine a constructive analysis between english-nias language
focussesd on suffix. Suffixes are important in determining the meanings of
words in English. They are either inflections added at the end of a word or
they change the grammatical class of words they are attached to. Subsequently,
the researcher wants to find a constructive analysis between english-nias
language in the part of speech concerned to noun. In this, the researcher want
to examine the prefixes in noun words. The researcher’s resesearch is a
constructive analysis between english-nias language in morphology based on noun
B. Objective of the Research
By willingness of the researcher is genuinely to find the
differences and similarities of a constructive analysis in suffixes between
english-nias language. The researcher tries to find out the result of noun
suffixes in differences and similarities.
C. Identification of Research Problem
In this research, the researcher examines that there are
many of differences and similarities of suffix usage in english-nias language.
Through this research will expose the differences/similarities of it. The best
tesult will be explored to anyone especially for whom using an english-nias
language in the world. So they can combine the use of language in doing
communication correctly.
D. Limitation of Research Problem
This research giving some any limitation is focused on the
noun suffixes. The researcher does not include all the kinds of part of speech
totally. The researcher choses only noun suffix.
E. Significant of Research
After a fix of consideration, the researcher does this
research is want to give a way to people for how to use suffixes in
english-nias language based on noun suffix. The researcher wants to give any
expectations to the people to help them speak the language easier in suffix
usage. And they are easier to differentiate and similaritate it in using the
A. Morphology
Morphology is a branch of linguistics which studies and
analysis the structure, form and classes of words. Morphology is also the study
for how the forms are arranged to constitute words. How the words constructed
is all the morphological. Rochelle Lieber, 2009 said that “ Morphology is the
study of word formation, including the ways new words are coined in the
languages of the world, and the way forms of words are varied depending on how
they’re used in sentences. As a native speaker of your language you have
intuitive knowledge of how to form new words, and every day you recognize and
understand new words that you’ve never heard before”.Another linguist’s ideas
on morphology may be compared as follows:“ Morphological theory provides a
general theory of word-structure in all the languages of the world. Its task is
to characterise the kinds of things that speakers need to know about the
structure of the words of their language in order to be able to use them to
produce and to understand speech”. (Francis 2005 : 3).The above defenitions
explain that morphology is having a function in study of word constructing
process and word form or word forming. This branch of morphology are related to
is the morphological process in by which bound morphemes are attached to a
roots or stems to mark changes in meaning, part of speech, or grammatical
relationships. Affixes take on several
forms and serve different functions. According to McCarthy (2006:84), Affixation
is the process where by an affix is attached to a base, which may be simple (as
in full, the base to which –ness is attached to yield fullness), or complex
(like meditate, the base to which pre- is attached to yield premeditate). In
affixation there are two parts, namely prefix and suffix.
to this research the researcher focuses to Suffix. Suffix is a words or group
of words placed at the end of a word or root (the simplest form (base form) of
a word - cannot be broken down again) to produce a new word.According to (1987: 56) the suffix is come at the end of words. In accordance
with this research, the researcher wants to examines and identify the suffixess
related to noun words refering to cantrastive analysis between english-nias
language related to noun suffix.
A. Research Design
There are some kinds in doing research design, they are
qualitative and quantitative. In this research, the researcher takes
qualitative as reference of doing research. Shank (2002) defines qualitative research
as “a form of systematic empirical inquiry into meaning” (p. 5). By systematic he means “planned, ordered and
public”, following rules agreed upon by members of the qualitative research
community. By empirical, he means that this type of inquiry is grounded in the
world of experience. In this research, the researcher is going to examine the
contrasts and similarities of empirical words in english and nias language
related to noun suffixes.
B. Instrument
Through variety of looking for the tesult in the
research, the resarcher is looking for many sources to expose the level of
correctness in contrasts and similarities in english-nias language focused on
noun suffixes. The researcher has been encountered with some journals, book of
english and nias language, and previous research which had ever been done by
previous researchers related to the case. It is really supporting the
researcher to complete the linguistic’s case what the researcher is going to
C. Subject of Research
The subject of this research is english and nias
D. Object of Research
The object of this research is the differences and
similarities of the use of english-nias language in noun suffixes.
E. Technique of Collecting Data
In the research, the researcher has been faced with some
of technique of collecting data. There are some of techniques such as paraphrase,
sumarizing, analyzing, and quotating technique. On this, the researcher is
using the sumarizing and analyzing technique to complete the research. The
researcher is sumarizing what the mainstreams which is related to solve the
case taken from the sources (instrument) and as well as using an analyzing to complete
the research result.
F. Technique of Analyzing Data
In this research, the researcher firstly takes some of
english-nias language words. Subsequently, the researcher devided the words
according to noun words suffixes. The researcher find out the contrasts and
similarities between anglish-nias noun words in the use of suffixes converned
Suffixes of Nias language
Based on Nursayani (2012), there are 15 suffixes that
we can find in Nias language which are known, they are :
Suffix –ö |
Suffix –ma |
Suffix –la |
Suffix –gö |
Suffix –i |
Suffix –ta |
Suffix –fö |
Suffix –sö |
Suffix –sa |
Suffix –ni |
Suffix –wa |
Suffix –tö |
Suffix –si |
Suffix –nia |
Suffix –a |
Suffixes in English
In English we can find 28 suffixes which are known,
they are :
suffix –able |
suffixes –ent
and –ant |
suffix –al |
suffix –cian |
suffix –age |
suffix –less |
suffix –ly |
suffix –ous |
suffix –ance
and –ence |
–singular s |
suffixes –ing,
-ed1, -ed2 |
suffix –ee |
suffix –n |
suffixes –er
and –est |
suffix –ity |
suffix –ful |
suffix –ize |
suffix –y |
suffix –ment |
suffix –ify |
suffix –ness |
–plural s |
suffix –ion |
suffix –ish |
suffix –ism |
suffix –en |
suffix –ic |
suffix –er |
The suffixes which form nouns
Nias Language |
English |
Suffix –a |
Suffix –age |
–sa |
Suffix –ness |
Suffix –la |
Suffix –ment |
Suffix –wa |
Suffix –ant
and –ent |
Suffix –ta |
Suffix –ity |
Suffix –sö |
Suffix –al |
–ma |
Suffix –ion |
Suffix –ence
and –ance |
Suffix –ee |
Suffixes which has the function to
form plural noun.
Language English
- Suffix
–plural s
Example of Noun suffixes in Nias
1. Suffix –sa
Form |
Suffix –sa does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form. e.g.
fayawa ‘boastful’ +
-sa ---------------- fayawasa
‘boasting’ |
Distribution |
Suffix –sa can be attached to
verb. e.g. fabali ‘separated’
+ -sa ---------------- fabalisa ‘discord’ |
Function |
Suffix –sa function to form noun. |
Meaning |
Suffix –sa has a meaning to state
the case as mentioned in the base form. e.g. fabalö ‘wistful’
+ -sa ---------------- fabalösa ‘the case of compassionate’ |
2. Suffix –a
Form |
Suffix –a remains unchanged if it
attached to the base form. e.g. owulo ‘to gether’
+ -a ----------------
owuloa ‘association’ |
Distribution |
Suffix –a can be attached to a
verb. e.g. tanö
‘to plant’ + -a ---------------- tanöa
‘be planted’ |
Function |
Suffix –a functions to form a
noun. |
Meaning |
Suffix –a has the meanings as follows: 1. If the base form is a verb,
the suffix –a has a meaning to state noun to the base form. e.g owulo ‘together’ + -a ----------------
owuloa ‘association’ 2. If the base form is an adverb,
the suffix –a has the meaning of to suffer, to place as mentioned in the base
form. e.g. tanö ‘to plant’ + -a ---------------- tanöa ‘be planted’ |
3. Suffix –la
Form |
Suffix –la does not change the
form if it attaches to the base form. e.g. aboto
‘broken’ + -la ---- abotola ‘piece’ |
Distribution |
: Suffix –la can only be attached
to an adverb. e.g. aetu ‘severed’ + -la ---- aetula ‘decision’ |
Function |
Suffix –la function to form noun. |
Meaning |
Suffix –la has a meaning to state a result
as mentioned to the base form. e.g. aetu ‘severed’
+ -la ---------------- aetula ‘result of a decision’ |
4. Suffix –ŵa
Form |
Suffix –ŵa does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. olombase ‘stop’ + -ŵa ---- olombaseŵa ‘stoping place’ |
Distribution |
Suffix –ŵa can be attached to a
verb. e.g. fabali ‘to part / separated’ + -ŵa ---- fabaliŵa ‘deviation /
crosroad’ |
Function |
Suffix –wa function to form noun. |
Meaning |
If the base form is a verb, the
suffix –ŵa has the meanings to state the place as mentioned in the base form.
e.g. olombase
‘stop’ + -ŵa ---- olombaseŵa ‘stoping place’ |
5. Suffix –ta
Form |
Suffix –ta does not change the
form, if it is attached to the base form. e.g. alö
‘less’ + ta ---- alöta ‘limit / to reduce’ |
Distribution |
Suffix –ta can be attached to : 1. Verb : e.g. ogamö
‘reach out’ + ta ---- ogamöta ‘to reach out’ 2. Adverb : e.g. afuria ‘back’ + ta ---- afuriata ‘later /
eventually’ |
Function |
Suffix –ta function to form noun. |
Meaning |
Suffix –ta has the meaning as
follow : 1. If the base form is a verb,
the suffix –ta has meaning of to state a place mentioned in the base form.
e.g. fagohi ‘flee’ + ta ---- fagohita
‘race track’ 2. If the base form is an adverb,
the suffix –ta has the meaning of to state the case as mentioned in the base
form. e.g. afuria ‘back’ + ta ----
afuriata ‘later / eventually’ |
6. Suffix –sö
Form |
Suffix –sö does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. tawö ‘grease’ + -sö ---- tawösö
‘a lot of grease’ |
Distribution |
Suffix –sö can be attached to : 1. Verb : e.g. bogö ‘burn’ + -sö ---- bögösö ‘can be
burned’ 2. Noun : e.g. töwu ‘sugar cane’ + -sö ---- towusö ‘a lot
of sugar cane’ |
Function |
Suffix function to form noun. |
Meaning |
Suffix –sö has the meaning as
follows : 1. If the base form is a verb,
the suffix –sö has the meaning of already been done as mentioned in the base
form. e.g. ewa
'cut’ + -sö ---- ewasö ‘has been cut’ 2. If the base form is a noun,
the suffix –sö has the meaning of a lot of. e.g. mömö ‘moss’ + -sö ---- mömösö ‘a lot of moss’ |
7. Suffix –ma
Form |
If the siffix –ma is attached to
the base form, if it remains unchanged. e.g. förö ‘sleep’ + -ma ----- föröma ‘bed’ |
Distribution |
Suffix –ma can only be attached
to a verb. e.g. dadao ‘sit’ + -ma ----- dadaoma ‘seat’ |
Function |
Suffix function to form noun. |
Meaning |
Suffix –ma has the meaning of to
state place or doing something as mentioned in the base form. e.g. dadao
‘sit’ + -ma ----- dadaoma ‘seat |
Example of Noun suffixes in
1. Suffix –age
Form |
Suffix –age does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. carry + -age ---------------- carriage |
Distribution |
Suffix –age can be attached to a
verb. e.g. break + -age ---------------- breakage |
Function |
The suffix –age function to form
a noun. |
Meaning |
If the base form is a verb, the suffix –age
has a meaning to state the case as mentioned in the base form. e.g.
store + -age ---------------- storage
2. Suffix –ment
Form |
Suffix –ment does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. to employ + -ment ----- employment |
Distribution |
Suffix –ment can only be attached
to a verb. e.g. to agree + -ment ----- agreement |
Function |
Suffix –ment functions to form a
noun. |
Meaning |
Suffix –ment has a meaning to
make it to be as mentioned in the base form. e.g. to pay + -ment -----
payment |
3. Suffixes –ant and –ent
Form |
Suffixes –ant and –ent do not
change the form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. please +
-ant ----- pleasant |
Distribution |
Suffixes –ant and –ent can be
attached to a verb. e.g. differ + -ent ----- different |
Function |
Suffixes –ant and –ent functions
to form a noun and an adverb. |
Meaning |
The suffixes –ant and –ent have a
meaning such as: 1. To state the situation as
mentioned in the base form. e.g. please + -ant
----- pleasant 2. To state the person wich to do
the action as mentioned in the base form. e.g. assist + -ant
----- assistant |
4. Suffix –ion
Form |
Suffix –ion does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. act + -ion
----- action |
Distribution |
Suffix –ion can be attached to a
verb. e.g. confuse + -ion ----- confusion |
Function |
Suffix –ion functions to form a
noun. |
Meaning |
Suffix –ion has a meaning to
express or to make something as mentioned in the base form. e.g. react
+ -ion ----- reaction |
5. Suffix –al
Form |
Suffix –al does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. monument + -al ----- monumental |
Distribution |
Suffix –al can be attached to : 1. Verb : e.g. propose
+ -al ---- proposal 2. Noun : e.g. industry
+ -al ---- industrial |
Function |
1. If the base form is a noun, the suffix –al
functions to form an adjective. e.g. logic
+ -al ---- logical 2. If the base form is a verb,
the suffix –al functions to form a noun. e.g. renew + -al ---- renewal |
Meaning |
Suffix –al changes the form an adjective and
to the same time expressing the meaning in the base form. e.g. intern + -al ---- internal |
6. Suffixes –ance and –ence
Form |
Suffixes –ance and –ence do not
change the form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. confide
+ -ence ---- confidence |
Distribution |
Suffixes –ance and –ence can be
attached to a verb. e.g. depend + -ence ---- dependence |
Function |
If the base form are verb and
adjective, the suffixes –ance and –ence function to form nouns. e.g. exist + -ence ---- existence |
Meaning |
Suffixes –ance and –ence has the
meaning to express the situation as mentioned in the base form. e.g. interfere
+ -ence ---- interference |
7. Suffix –ness
Form |
Suffix –ness does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. loud + -ness ---- loudness |
Distribution |
Suffix –ness can be attached to
an adjective. e.g. rich + -ness ---- richness |
Function |
If the base form is an adjective,
the suffix –ness function to form a noun. e.g. clever + -ness ---- cleverness |
Meaning |
Suffix –ness has a meaning to
make it as mentioned to the base form. e.g. correct + -ness ---- correctness |
8. Suffix –ee
Form |
Suffix –ee does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form. e.g. assign + -ee ---- assignee |
Distribution |
Suffix –ee can be attached to a
verb. e.g. employ + -ee ---- employee |
Function |
If the base form is verb, the
suffix –ee functions to change word to become noun. e.g. trust + -ee
---- trustee |
Meaning |
If the base form is a verb, the
suffix –ee has a meaning to do the action as mentioned the base form. e.g. refer + -ee ---- referee |
9. Suffix –ity
Form |
Suffix –ity does not change the
form if it is attached to the base form.
e.g. active + -ity ----------------
activity |
Distribution |
Suffix –ity can be attached to an
adjective. e.g. real + -ity ---------------- reality |
Function |
Suffix –ity has the function to
form a noun. |
Meaning |
Suffix –ity has the meaning to
state the case situation as mentioned in the base form. e.g.
visible + -ity ---------------- visibility |
10. Suffixes –plural s
Form |
The suffixes –plural /s/ has
three free variants, they are : /-iz/, /-s/, /-z/. e.g. book + -s
----- books /b u: k s/ bag + -s
----- bags /b ᴂ g z/ church + -s
----- churches /£ ə : £ i s/ |
Distribution |
Suffixes –plural /s/ can only be
attached to a noun. e.g. book + -s ----- books bird + -s
----- birds |
Function |
Suffixes –plural /s/ functions to form plural noun. e.g. doctor + -s ----- doctors |
Meaning |
Suffixes –plural /s/ has a
meaning of more than one. e.g. table +
-s ----- tables |
G. The Noun Suffixes in both
language which are changed the form if they are attached to the base form.
1. Nias Language
In Nias
Language we can not find the suffix where the form changed when attached to the
base form.
2. The suffixes in English which change the form.
Suffixes –plural / s /
–plural / s / becomes / z / when followed by voiced phonemes which have no / s
/. e.g. leg +
-s ----- legs / legz / bag + -s
----- bags / b gz /
–plural / s / becomes / s / when followed by voiceless phonemes which have no /
s / e.g. book + -s
----- books / buks / cat + -s
----- cats / k ts /
–plural / s / becomes / s / when followed by phonemeswith a s . e.g. class
+ -s ----- classes / kla:siz / rose + -s
----- roses / rousiz /
Based on analysis between Nias language and English
in noun suffixes, the researcher tries to write the conclusion.
Nias language is one of the regional language in
Indonesia which may be considered as some what vocalic. The vocalic regional
languages in rarely found in Indonesia.
The noun suffixes which are found in Nias language
and English are :
Nias Language |
English |
Suffix –a |
Suffix –age |
–sa |
Suffix –ness |
Suffix –la |
Suffix –ment |
Suffix –wa |
Suffix –ant
and –ent |
Suffix –ta |
Suffix –ity |
Suffix –sö |
Suffix –al |
–ma |
Suffix –ion |
Suffix –ence
and –ance |
Suffix –ee |
The Noun Suffixes in both language which are changed
the form if they are attached to the base form.
1. Nias Language
In Nias
Language we can not find the suffix where the form changed when attached to the
base form.
2. The suffixes in English which change the form is Suffixes –plural / s /
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